Friday, October 31, 2014

Wikipedia Follow-Up

Around a month ago, I was browsing and I found something about iPhoneography on Wikipedia. I edited some sentences and I improved them by adding some details. I just visited that page and no one changed what I added. I am not sure if what I added was right or not. I think no one changed what I did because:

  1. People agreed with what I added
  2. No many people visited the page
  3. maybe not enough time passed between my first visit and my second visit
  4. May be people don’t trust Wikipedia that much
  5. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook also have this information with the ability to discuss it with the person who published it
  6. The Wikipedia's information can be reached in resources better than Wikipedia
  7. Some people prefer hard copy resources

Wikipedia is not the best resource because anybody can edit and add information to an article. In my opinion, we can use Wikipedia, but we have to double check its information.

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