Friday, November 7, 2014

How To Capture a Great Low Light Shot At Night?

Nights just started being longer, so we will spend the most of our day at night. Sometimes we want to capture a great night moment, but the light is low. In this post, I am going to tell you how to capture a great low light shot at night and how to do if you already have the low light picture. Below are 2 options that you can use in this case:

1.Cortex Camera:

Cortex Camera is an app created to capture a great low light iPhone photo. It will eliminate the grain in the picture. Also, it is created to capture a lot of images and combined them together to get a clear photo. All what you have to do is hold your breathe to avoid the vibration when you press the capture button in this app. You can see an example in this link, but you have to register on the website first.

2.iPhone camera app:

What about if you already have a night picture?

iPhone camera app will not give you a clear night shot, but you can edit your shot using the VSCOCam app. Yes, don’t be surprised. Some of the VSCOCam Series, such as C, G, F, P, and J will avoid the grain that appears in your night picture. Below is an example of how the C Series will work at night

How to get like this shot using only your original iPhone app?

  1. Set the exposure and the focus in the bright area
  2. Capture the image
  3. Apply one of the preset in the VSCOCam app
  4. reduce the exposure if the picture still has grain

  • You can also try other series that have a heavy fade.

So now with your iPhone, you don’t need to have a professional camera. You can ALWAYS get a great shot. As I have said before, you can also search for an app that you need it and you will find it in the Apple apps store.

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