Saturday, November 22, 2014


YEAH, it’s Friday guys, the time to go to New York and discover a new place. You know guys, when I decide to go to a new restaurant, I choose a restaurant that inspires me. Navy New York is one of the New York restaurants that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Navy New York is located in the Soho neighborhood in Lower Manhattan, New York City, so I had my lunch there.

I knew that restaurant by photographers’ pictire on Instagram. I have seen a couple of pictures of it for a long time. So, I went there with one of my friends. The owners of the restaurant are a brother and sister from England. They opened it around year ago.

I really liked the design and decoration. As a photographer, I couldn’t stop taking pictures. The owner actually told my friend that they aimed to attract the models and the photographers by the restaurant design and decoration.

I had a seat and I got the finest menu I have ever seen!! I know some of you may mock me now, but I liked the menu because it was a handwritten menu. Yes, it was. Actually, I didn’t take a picture of it, but I found it for you guys. To be in the safe side, we ordered Burgers.

Then we had a walk in Soho neighborhood. For my friend, it was just a walk, but for me it was a photowalk. Here are some of the picture that I took in Soho.

Then we got take-out dessert from Ladurée

I bought caramel, coffee, and vanilla macaroon, but I liked the coffee & the vanilla macaroon.

The last stop was Times Square and there was a traditional celebration that time and I got a chance to take some pictures

We didn’t spend that much time in Times Square because we went there to go to the bust stop to get back home.

We really enjoyed our time in NYC and we felt the tiredness when we got home. I am really gonna miss new york city when I finish my studying here.