Sunday, September 28, 2014

10 Tips To Take A Great Shoot With Your iPhone

You forgot your digital camera?!

That’s great. Now give your iPhone camera a chance to take a great picture. Many people have the belief that a digital camera will always be better than the camera in a phone. This is true in some cases, but not in others. In many cases, you can use your iPhone as your digital camera. You will be surprised what your iPhone camera can do if you use it is it properly. Below are the tips and tricks used in iPhone photography:

  1. Be close to the subject
  2. Find a great indirect light on your subject
  3. Set the focus by tapping it on the screen
  4. Don’t zoom, just crop
  5. Use the HDR auto setting
  6. Don’t use flash in light conditions
  7. Hold your breath
  8. Use one hand to reduce the shakiness
  9. Use your phone volume buttons to avoid any kind of vibration (you can also use your headphone volume buttons)
  10. Use the multiple shoot (bursts)
  11. Make your photos better by using editing apps

Now guys, those 10 plus 1 trick work very well for me. I don’t know when I last carried my digital camera, in fact I don’t need one since Apple gave me the best. Give your iPhone the chance and you will be surprised how you can take amazing pictures.

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